Est 2023
Book a Pop-Up for your next event
Yes, you deserve a Snow Cone.
What's special about us? We will show up to your event free of any costs or hidden fees and serve your guests with delicious shaved ice. We will take care of all the set up and clean up, hassle free.
Would you like to treat your guests with delicious shaved ice, but don’t want a big food truck at your event? Let our catering team set up a shaved ice bar.
Snow Cone Pop-Up Services
Book us for birthday parties, school functions, carnivals, sporting events, luaus, corporate events, festivals and more!
Fundraisers are fun! There is no fee to you. We show up, sell snow cones, and your organization receives 20% of the total revenue.
We specialize in customizing our services and tailoring them to fit your specific needs. Let us take care of dessert so you can enjoy your event.
What We Do Right
Professional Staff
Our staff is experienced, friendly and clean. We are professional and on time.
Non-Toxic Ingredients
All of our syrups are made with premium concentrates, purees, fruits, and flavors. We are proud to serve our high quality syrup.
Affordable Services
Booking our Pop-Up is no cost to you at all. We take care of all the set up and clean up, hassle-free.
Common Questions
How long does a Snow Cone Pop-Up event take?
We specialize our Pop-Up to meet your specific needs. You can book a Pop-Up from 1 hr of service for up to 50 servings or 1 hr of service for up to 100 servings. Contact us for more specific details.
Do you do Fundraisers?
Fundraisers are fun for everyone! There is no fee to you. We show up, set up, sell delicious snow cones and your organization receives 20% of the total revenue. We love fundraisers!
Do I need to book a Pop-Up slot in advance?
Due to the amount of requests we receive, the earlier you book your slot, the better. Book your Snow Cone Pop-Up today!
What Our Clients Say
Thank you for fundraising at our school. We will definitely be calling you again. You guys did all the work. So easy!
Julie Rolecki
These are the best snow cones we’ve ever had. I’m so glad you came to my birthday party. This was the best dessert ever and so fun!
Sadie and Scarlett
So happy you popped up at our work event. Your snow cones were delicious and the service was fast and friendly.
Cecilia Paul
Book A Pop-Up Today
(310) 880 - 4549